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Fidelity Supplier Onboarding


Thank you for your interest in becoming a supplier to Fidelity International. Here we give you an introduction to the onboarding process and what to expect.

We want to make this process as fast and easy as possible. Its exact nature and length will depend on what type of supplier you are, but we will guide you through every step. 

We encourage you to engage with the process as early as possible. The sooner you do so, the sooner you can start supplying goods or services to Fidelity International.

What we aim to achieve

Our supplier onboarding process is designed to achieve three things:


Risk management

We work with sensitive data in a highly regulated environment. Our onboarding journey reflects that, with different routes for different levels of risk.


Value alignment

Suppliers are an extension of Fidelity International and should align with our values and code of conduct. We aim for a diverse supplier base that is open, transparent and innovative.


Our partnership

We want to welcome you into the Fidelity International team and set you up as a supplier as quickly as possible. We see our suppliers as true partners.

Start the supplier onboarding process

All potential suppliers must go through a qualification process. The nature of our business means we have to show stakeholders and regulators that we do everything possible to minimise risk and protect our customers.

In some cases where you are providing goods or services which are considered to be of a low risk and low spend for one off transactions, you may not need to go through the full risk assessment process and can be paid with a “Procurement Card” or “P-Card”. If not, you will need to follow the full process. To understand more about what process your organisation will have to follow, please see the FAQ’s here.

To start the process, we’ll collect basic information about your organisation, what you’ll be doing for us and your payment details. We’ll use this to decide whether you have to go through more detailed risk assessment checks. If you’re defined as a low risk supplier, you might be able to move straight to contract and financial set-up. If you’re not, you will need to undertake the additional risk checks which will be illustrated once you have responded to seven initial risk questions.

To begin, please answer Yes or No to the following questions. To the best of your knowledge: