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How should I prepare for the end of the cycle?

 How should investors act when the cycle is ending? And how best to behave at the start of a new one? These are the questions our clients are asking. Here, Fidelity Answers.

 How should investors act when the cycle is ending? And how best to behave at the start of a new one? These are the questions our clients are asking. Here, Fidelity Answers.

Richard Edgar avatar
In depth in eight minutes: end of the cycle, explained

If you have only time for one thing, watch this video.

What are the signs? The evidence for and against a looming correction
What are the signs? The evidence for and against a looming correction

Stretched valuations, peaking indicators, and central bankers starting to withdraw liquidity. Are we running out of road?

Braver for longer: don't lock in losses by going too defensive too soon

Timing of this cycle is uncertain so investors need to hold risk assets for longer to avoid leaving returns on the table.

Bill McQuaker avatar
Bill McQuaker: what I learned from the last three cycles

Veteran investor Bill McQuaker describes his experience of Black Monday, the Dotcom crash and the 2007-09 financial crisis.

Adrian Benedict avatar
How to use alternatives at the end of the cycle: five strategies detailed

Opportunities with low correlation to traditional securities can provide effective benefits for portfolios at the end of the cycle.

Easy days could soon be over: central bank policy normalisation
Easy days could soon be over: central bank policy normalisation

Easy monetary policy could soon be over, with huge consequences for debt, asset prices, inflation and much else.

Exit door scenarios: how to guard against rising correlations
Exit door scenarios: how to guard against rising correlations

In a downturn, uncorrelated asset classes can become highly correlated. See how our investors prepare for those scenarios.

Martin Dropkin avatar
Bond covenants: beware of slipping standards late in the cycle

As the market matures, governance standards often become looser - which, in fixed income, is most conspicuous in bond covenants.

China's tricky tightrope: High debt levels don't spell gloom but China's magi…

Can Asia’s economic tiger save the cycle, or will its soaring debt bring the world’s economy down?

Adnan Siddique avatar
The investment world's best end-of-cycle writing (we did the reading so you d…

Explore the universe of end-of-cycle literature from professional investors, academia and popular culture. Asterisked items come highly recommended.

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