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What dancing robots tell us about the possibilities of investing in China
China’s economy is increasingly driven by innovation. The recent breakthroughs in AI reinforce our view that China is an allocation worth making.
China’s AI frenzy: beyond the hype
In China, like elsewhere, the frenzy over artificial intelligence (AI) is now shifting to how to monetise this novel and still imperfect technology.
The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Japanification
When you look at some of the big economic issues China is dealing with today, you quickly realise Japan has been through a lot of the same challenges.
Field Notes: Robots on the rise in China
As China grapples with a daunting demographic challenge, its industries are upping their game in automating production, a recent Fidelity field trip finds.
Chart Room: And the key disruptive tech of 2023 will be…
Automation and AI are expected to be the biggest disruptive forces boosting corporate profitability in 2023, according to Fidelity International analysts.
The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Demographics
China’s labour pool is shrinking as the population ages. How people save and invest signals challenges and opportunities for China’s pension system.
The fourth automation wave will be ‘Made in China’
China is set to lead the world in automation developments, because it has lots of data and the means to leverage it.
On the ground in China: automation and higher wages
Neil Gough explores a Chinese warehouse adapting to the future.
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