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Sustainability Outlook 2025: ESG as BAU
Sustainability is now a core part of most businesses despite the debate it continues to attract.
The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Transition materials
Exploring the critical role of transition materials — such as lithium and cobalt, essential to developing and deploying clean energy technologies.
Mind the gap: Companies need to spend much more on net zero
Fidelity’s survey of our analysts on ESG issues delivers a home truth: there is a big gap between the action needed to deliver net zero and what is being done.
The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Decarbonising China
2021 was a big year for the global fight against climate change. China's president, Xi Jinping, again pledged that China would hit peak emissions by 2030.
Trade Offs | Serco: Social contracts and the scrutiny of public markets
Keeping investor and public relations on an even keel is no mean feat for Serco CEO Rupert Soames. Especially when ESG investing is added to the mix.
Trade Offs | Baker Hughes: Telling home truths about natural gas
From deep sea divers to Texas roughnecks, Baker Hughes is one of the oil and gas industry’s big three global services players.
Trade Offs | Bayer: How to feed 8 billion people without ruining the planet
How to feed the world while not degrading every patch of land in the process? We speak to Werner Baumann, chief executive of the German multinational Bayer.
Trade Offs | Bank of America: Financing the transition
Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan on the critical balancing act banks play as we transition to a low carbon and more equitable world.
Active ownership at Fidelity
Active ownership is at the core of Fidelity’s sustainable investing approach. Our Sustainable Investing Report shows our recent engagement and voting activity.
ESG Outlook 2022: Three key priorities in sustainable investing
ESG Outlook 2022: Three key priorities in sustainable investing
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