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Peiqian Liu
Article 2 min read

Devil will be in the details after Chinese plenum

There were hints of a greater focus on growth from the Chinese leadership’s third plenum, but markets want to see more concrete steps to prop up the economy

Peiqian Liu + 1 other | 19 July 2024

Paul Greer
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Building a bigger bloc of BRICS

With one country continuing to pull far more economic weight than everybody else, the significance of BRICS expansion will be more diplomatic than economic.

Paul Greer + 1 other | 13 September 2023

Max Stainton
Article 4 min read

A scenario analysis of the US debt ceiling standoff

A scenario analysis of the US debt ceiling standoff

Max Stainton | 18 May 2023

Peiqian Liu
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Retail therapy for Japan’s ‘lowflation’ headache

The Bank of Japan has struggled to convince the public that inflation will stick. But recent data shows there could be a shift in consumers’ mentality.

Peiqian Liu + 2 others | 18 May 2023

Peiqian Liu
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Why fixed-asset investment is on the move in China

Investment remains a major driver of China’s economy, but priorities are shifting from property to manufacturing.

Peiqian Liu + 1 other | 9 March 2023

Reggie Pan
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: A hiring spree on the horizon in China

While much of the global economy appears at risk of recession, China is revving up a rebound that’s set to jumpstart the job market.

Reggie Pan + 2 others | 9 February 2023

Fidelity International
Article 4 min read

Time to look beyond market turmoil and focus on China’s long-term growth

Time to look beyond market turmoil and focus on China’s long-term growth

Fidelity International | 27 October 2022

Andrew McCaffery
Article 2 min read

The New Economic Order

We believe the Covid-19 crisis will trigger a step-change in policy, accelerate existing trends and transform investment frameworks.

Andrew McCaffery + 3 others | 5 May 2020

Tom Ackermans
Blog 1 min read

Fed opens the door to a further reduction as it makes 25 bps 'insurance' cut

After hiking nine times in the past four years, the Fed has reversed course

Tom Ackermans | 31 July 2019

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