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Staying secure

When it comes to guarding your financial safety online, in person or on the phone, knowledge is your best defence. Here, you can learn about the common threats to your financial security, discover what we’re doing to keep you safe and find out where to get help if you need it.

Financial threats to look out for

Fraudsters are highly committed to their cause. By knowing what they’re up to, you can take steps to protect yourself.

Suspicious emails, texts and phone calls

Learn how to spot a fraudulent email, text or phone call, so you’re not reeled in.

Investment scams

Be wise. Don’t fall prey to too-good-to-be-true, high-pressure, deadline-driven offers.

Pension fraud

All that glitters isn’t gold. Discover how to dig deeper and protect your pension with our tips.

Financial abuse

Find out more about criminal influence, to ensure you’re in control of your financial purse strings.

Identity theft

Look beyond the disguise. Impersonation can be the first step to someone stealing your assets.