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Fidelity Answers: Where's the value in bond markets?
Bottom up? Top down? What’s the best way to look for opportunities in volatile bond markets?
3 min read
Fixed income tales: Profits in the unexpected
A return to higher interest rates has created valuable opportunities for bond investors.
3 min read
Playing offense on income funds
Playing offense on income funds
3 min read
European high yield: The curious case of the defaults that didn’t happen
At the height of the March crash, defaults looked set to soar. The reality turned out to be very different.
4 min read
Overweight autos: The road less travelled
Despite the risks, we believe that the auto sector now presents an investment opportunity.
2 min read
Will ECB's Lagarde reach for the bazooka to avoid European liquidity crisis?
Tomorrow Christine Lagarde, head of the ECB, gets her chance to calm markets. Will she reach for the bazooka?
2 min read
UK high yield turns a corner as no-deal Brexit worries fade
UK high yield bonds - which have been shunned by investors in recent years - look increasingly attractive.
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