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Q2 Global Investment Outlook: The post-trade trades
A volatile start to the year has recalibrated markets. This invites a regionally diversified approach.
The Investor’s Guide to Asia: Forced to innovate
Headlines about geopolitics suggest Asian companies will struggle to push tech boundaries. Quite the opposite, says Fidelity International's investment team.
Chart Room: History quick to repeat itself in Indonesia
Indonesian equities have bounced up and down this year. We’ve had the busts - should we expect a boom?
Sustainable fixed income isn't just about labels
Buying green bonds is not the only option for transition-focused fixed income investors. They can also buy non-labelled debt from sustainable companies.
Chart Room: The US housing market will soon make sense again
New US home building and sales of existing homes have gone in opposite directions this year. A change in interest rates may restore their historic correlation.
2024 Q3 Investment Outlook: Easy does it
Risk looks attractive as economies across the globe remain strong. Some regions are starting to tread separate paths, uncovering idiosyncratic opportunities.
Chart room: Bubble trouble? Not yet, say Fidelity analysts
Our latest monthly survey shows analysts are not worried about company valuations - yet.
2024 Q2 Investment Outlook: Timing matters
We believe the outlook for 2024 has brightened, but we caution that it won’t take much to spill over.
More carrot and less stick: Effective stewardship doesn’t end at voting
Racking up votes against management does not always mean better stewardship
Chart Room: Sterling investment grade offers sanctuary to income seekers
Yields on IG corporate debt look attractive after a difficult period for fixed income. This is useful at a time when it makes sense to act defensively.
Analyst Survey 2024: Company managers have moved on from inflation worries
Fidelity International’s 2024 annual Analyst Survey shows that many companies have moved on from worrying about inflation.
The ups and downs: Charting 2023
Six charts that capture the economic make-up of 2023 - inflation, interest rates, and everything in between.
Emerging markets and the climate financing gap: how to plug the shortfall
Emerging markets are among the nations most exposed to the environmental crisis they have the fewest resources to adapt. Sustainable debt markets could help.
Chart Room: The Fed’s ‘blocked drain’ conundrum
Despite signs of inflation easing off its peak, interest rate hikes have yet to flow freely and fully throughout the system.
Rise of artificial intelligence underlines role of ESG analysis
Society is calling for protection against the threats posed by AI. Incorporating AI considerations into investors’ ESG analysis of companies will help.
Trade Offs | Bunge: The price of sustainable agriculture
Bunge CEO Greg Heckman tells us how his company looks to answer some of the most pressing questions around sustainability and food security.
Chart Room: Sentiment turns positive, but can it hold?
Chart Room: Sentiment turns positive, but can it hold?
Trade Offs | Serco: Social contracts and the scrutiny of public markets
Keeping investor and public relations on an even keel is no mean feat for Serco CEO Rupert Soames. Especially when ESG investing is added to the mix.
Analyst Survey 2023: Companies sticking with ESG - but one key blindspot remains
Companies are sticking with sustainability despite the economic turbulence. But there is still room for improvement - especially when it comes to biodiversity.
Trade Offs | Bayer: How to feed 8 billion people without ruining the planet
How to feed the world while not degrading every patch of land in the process? We speak to Werner Baumann, chief executive of the German multinational Bayer.
Trade Offs | Bank of America: Financing the transition
Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan on the critical balancing act banks play as we transition to a low carbon and more equitable world.
Analyst Survey 2023: Inflation relief in sight
Fidelity International's annual Analyst Survey suggests cost pressures for companies will peak by the end of the first quarter of 2023.
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