This content was correct at the time of publication and is no longer being updated.

To discuss this recent wave of regulatory action in China, Paras Anand, Global Chief Investment Officer for Asia Pacific, is joined by two of Fidelity’s Hong Kong-based investment team: Dale Nicholls, a Portfolio Manager with a focus on China, and Asia Fixed Income Investment Director, Vanessa Chan. With additional contributions from Fidelity’s Tina Tian, Analyst and Portfolio Manager, David Cochrane, Equity Analyst, Ming Gong, Senior Credit Analyst and Portfolio Manager, and Catherine Yeung, Investment Director. 

Ways to listen: 

Paras Anand

Paras Anand

Chief Investment Officer, Asia Pacific

Catherine Yeung

Catherine Yeung

Investment Director

Vanessa Chan

Vanessa Chan

Head of Asian Fixed Income Investment Directing

Dale Nicholls

Dale Nicholls

Portfolio Manager

Neil Gough

Neil Gough

Asia Editor

Tina Tian

Tina Tian

Analyst and Portfolio Manager

Ming Gong

Ming Gong

Senior Credit Analyst

David Cochrane

David Cochrane