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ESG Analyst Survey: Between targets and transition
More companies are struggling to achieve net zero carbon emissions . But there is reason to believe they will soon ramp up their efforts.
Embracing the ‘Korea discount’
South Korea’s bid to reform its stock market has been met with scepticism, but we see the initiative as a free call option in an already attractive market.
Field Notes: An in-depth dental examination
Field Notes: An in-depth dental examination
The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Transition materials
Exploring the critical role of transition materials — such as lithium and cobalt, essential to developing and deploying clean energy technologies.
Field Notes: This Chinese dairy company is taking a grass-roots approach to reclaiming deserts
Deep in northern China, a dairy producer discovers that reclaiming desert land helps it build a more robust and sustainable business.
Chart Room: Shifting sands in China’s ESG landscape
Fidelity International's survey shows investors and customers are playing an increasingly important role in driving ESG strategies at Chinese companies.
Taking the lead: Why we prefer engagement over exclusion
Fidelity International believes that engagement has greater potential to positively impact future generations and returns over the long term than exclusion.
Trade Offs | Bunge: The price of sustainable agriculture
Bunge CEO Greg Heckman tells us how his company looks to answer some of the most pressing questions around sustainability and food security.
The phone is mightier than the pen: direct lending opens the line to engagement
The phone is mightier than the pen: direct lending opens the line to engagement
Trade Offs | Baker Hughes: Telling home truths about natural gas
From deep sea divers to Texas roughnecks, Baker Hughes is one of the oil and gas industry’s big three global services players.
Trade Offs | Bayer: How to feed 8 billion people without ruining the planet
How to feed the world while not degrading every patch of land in the process? We speak to Werner Baumann, chief executive of the German multinational Bayer.
Trade Offs | Bank of America: Financing the transition
Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan on the critical balancing act banks play as we transition to a low carbon and more equitable world.
Fidelity International China Stewardship Report 2022
Gaining traction: Fidelity International China Stewardship Report 2022. A proprietary study of shareholder stewardship, voting and engagement trends in China.
The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Engaging with companies in China
To many outsiders, Chinese equity investing might conjure up images of a huge momentum-fuelled market where investors revel in speculation.
Anatomy of an ESG engagement: Interpump
Fidelity International has been engaging with Italian industrials company, Interpump, for approximately 24 months, achieving meaningful change along the way.
Foreword: Anne Richards
Sustainable Investing Report 2022: Foreword from Anne Richards
Running down coal mines beats selling them for real-world carbon impact
Running down coal mines beats selling them for real-world carbon impact
Fidelity's engagement explained
How and why does Fidelity work with companies to improve their sustainability credentials? Ned Salter, Global Head of Investment Research, explains.
Rooting out modern slavery
Fidelity International is encouraging companies to look for modern slavery proactively and disclose what they find.
Satellite spies take on palm oil deforestation
Deforestation has been high on the agenda at COP26, with many countries signing up to end the practice by 2030.
In the weeds with one of the world’s largest pulp producers
See how Fidelity's engagement with Suzano developed and what's happening on the ground.
Raising the bar for engagement
2020 was a watershed year for ESG, and for engagement. As we moved through the Covid-19 crisis, engagement took on an even bigger role than before.
Many hands can make ESG work
Collaborative engagement by investors can be a more effective way to persuade companies to act sustainably, yet the practice is far from common.
On the ground with China's ZTO logistics fleet
Fidelity analysts and portfolio managers engage with China's leading logistics company on the ground in Shanghai.
An express dialogue: ESG engagement in China
Fidelity International worked with China’s biggest express-delivery company on sustainable growth.
Building solid foundations: Fidelity International China Stewardship Report 2020
Fidelity International's inaugural China Stewardship Report shows steady progress in investment stewardship and implementing ESG at domestic A-share companies.
Sustainable investing offers hope in a post-pandemic world
Fidelity's Sustainability Report 2020 looks at our company engagements over the year and the continued expansion of our sustainable investment capabilities.
Successful shareholder engagement is a long journey
A case study of Fidelity International's multi-year engagement with Kirin in Japan shows that successful shareholder engagement is a long journey
Solving the plastics problem by engaging with chemical companies
Sustainability engagements with chemical companies should focus on how acting in the best interests of the environment can also drive value creation.
Active engagement can help passive investors: A new model in Japan
Passive investors can benefit from the expertise of an active manager. Fidelity targets companies that are index components to create value.
What it means to pursue an active sustainable investing strategy
ESG is changing the way companies and asset managers engage with each other, resulting in a positive outcome both for investors and society as a whole.
Engagement is the ESG X-factor
Engagement is the difference between active and passive ESG offerings.
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