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GEARs: Bursting through the ceiling?
Fidelity International’s GEAR (Gauges of Economic Activity in Real Time) activity indicators continue to rebound strongly.
GEARs: China roars while the global economy snores
Our Gauges of Economic Activity in Real time (GEARs), a proxy for three-month annualised growth, improved this month but remain in extreme hibernation.
GEARs: Lower for (how much) longer?
Our GEARs have slipped back, reversing the improvement seen in the second quarter.
Central bank fears, calmer GEARs?
Our proprietary Gauges of Economic Activity in Real-Time (GEARs) show the latest Global GEAR looks stable and decently above its recent lows.
Emerging market GEARs outperform sluggish Europe and Japan
Global GEARs suggest stability over the past two months, after a volatile end to 2018.
Stuck in low GEAR
Absolute GEAR levels do not make for particularly pleasant reading. The DM average is hovering around its lowest since mid-2016.
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