Watch Fidelity analyst Minlin Lee as she helps a team of scientists capture audio data from a palm oil plantation in Borneo.

Fidelity analyst Charlotte Apps picks up the story in Europe as the data is analysed by the research at Green PRAXIS is Aix-en-Provence, France. 

Fidelity portfolio manager Velislava Dimitrova explains how better data would help her investing better contribute to solving the biodiversity loss challenge.

And at London's Natural History Museum, Dr Doug Gurr lays out the seriousness of the planetary emergency.


  • Biodiversity is the next big step for sustainable investing as a key defence against climate change  
  • But investors lack robust metrics and targets against which to measure progress  
  • New research shows the extent to which bioacoustics can track biodiversity over time by using sound recordings to generate detailed pictures of species groups present in farmed, protected, or rewilded areas 
  • Fidelity International is co-sponsoring a pilot bioacoustics project with recordings taken in a palm oil plantation in Borneo to test and compare soundscapes within the plantation and its associated conservation areas 
  • Results show how the technology could help investors with a standardised approach to measure biodiversity and distinguish the risk of rival investments 


The video was produced by Holli Eastman, directed by Ertu Muslu, with cameras and sound by Kim Joo Koh in Asia and Callum Blitz, Connor Baillie, Peter Rees,  Alex Willcox and Adam Sheldrake. The executive producer was Steve Gardner.

Minlin Lee

Minlin Lee


Velislava Dimitrova

Velislava Dimitrova

Portfolio Manager

Charlotte Apps

Charlotte Apps

Sustainable Investing Analyst

Holli Eastman

Holli Eastman


Stephen Gardner

Stephen Gardner

Digital Editor

Kim Joo Koh

Kim Joo Koh
