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January's Rich Pickings podcast: The big vaccine rollout episode
"China's rebound is like watching a movie," says Portfolio Manager Amit Lodha in January's Rich Pickings.
Chart Room: US debt delinquencies drop, but recession looms as unemployment surges
Household debt forbearance measures have given a temporary boost to borrowers in the US. But as unemployment surges, more supportive measures will be needed.
June's Rich Pickings podcast: Know your enemy
"The anaesthetist has shown up to give morphine [to the global economy] but the doctor's still not shown up to do surgery," says Portfolio Manager Amit Lodha.
Chart room: Beauty of big tech stocks is in the eye of the beholder
Our latest Chart Room takes a comparative look at the long run up in the Nasdaq 100 index.
Analysing the shift from bad to less bad
The stimulus to fight the economic shutdown in the wake of the coronavirus is second only to the Marshall Plan following the Second World War.
Is the end of globalisation the end of global investing?
Equities Portfolio Manager Amit Lodha shares his insights on the challenges to globalisation and the implications for investors in global equities.
What to watch at the end of the cycle
The world seems full of questions at the moment about the end of the cycle, the effect of quantitative tightening, valuations and the trade war.
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