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10 min read
Think like private equity: the pick-and-mix approach to leveraged finance
Think like private equity: the pick-and-mix approach to leveraged finance
10 min read
Think like private equity: the pick-and- mix approach to leveraged finance
Think like private equity: the pick-and- mix approach to leveraged finance
2 min read
Chart Room: Putting the high back into high yield
The era of ultra-low coupons in the European high yield bond market is coming to an end, but higher financing costs also means elevated risk for businesses
3 min read
European high yield: The curious case of the defaults that didn’t happen
At the height of the March crash, defaults looked set to soar. The reality turned out to be very different.
1 min read
Silver linings for European high yield despite coupon erosion
High yield investors are still getting compensated relative to other assets and low rates have allowed for easier refinancing and improved issuer liquidity.
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