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Three analysts walk into a studio...
Fidelity Answers: Deconstructing active ETFs
Growing numbers of investors are turning to active ETFs. What’s behind this boom, and what role can they play in portfolios?
Chart Room: The clear link between ESG and returns
How have stocks that scored high for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors held up amid the Covid-19 fallout?
July’s Fidelity International Pulse Survey: Falling costs find some support
July’s Fidelity International Pulse Survey: Falling costs find some support
Fidelity International Pulse Survey: 10 months of disruption remain
Fidelity International’s June survey of 149 analysts finds that activity in most sectors and regions is expected to return to a stable level in under a year.
Coronavirus: The grey swan
The spread of Coronavirus and its affect on the Analyst Survey.
European Parliament elections: Bond investors brace for a populist takeover
The EU elections could inject political risk into sovereign bond markets, making the election results a ‘must-watch’ event for fixed-income investors.
A Goldilocks moment for China’s monetary policy, but watch for more easing and bond index inclusion
Two events are driving the outlook for China fixed income- easing monetary conditions and the expected inclusion of Chinese bonds in benchmark indexes.
Sector by sector: Analyst Survey 2019
Across 10 sectors, only healthcare analysts showed an improvement in sentiment from last year.
Brexit vote: Next steps
What next for Brexit after Prime Minister Theresa May's historic defeat?
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