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Peiqian Liu
Article 2 min read

Devil will be in the details after Chinese plenum

There were hints of a greater focus on growth from the Chinese leadership’s third plenum, but markets want to see more concrete steps to prop up the economy

Peiqian Liu + 1 other | 19 July 2024

Daichi Ban
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: Back to the future with hybrid EVs

Demand for hybrid EVs could dissolve once battery technology catches up in the next few years. Investors betting on the energy transition should pay attention.

Daichi Ban + 1 other | 18 July 2024

Vanessa Chan
Article 3 min read

India’s renewable bonds: Riding the green wave

India’s need to deliver more green power is likely to make its renewable energy sector a destination for global capital for years to come.

Vanessa Chan + 3 others | 14 July 2024

Jeremy Osborne
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: Japan Inc’s buyback spree

Share repurchases announced by Japanese companies are poised to hit a record high this year. More companies have also boosted dividend pay-outs.

Jeremy Osborne + 1 other | 11 July 2024

Reggie Pan
Article 3 min read

What struggling couriers reveal about investing in China

The disconnect between Chinese express volume and courier stocks provides an important lesson for stock pickers adapting to a changing Chinese economy.

Reggie Pan + 2 others | 26 June 2024

Martin Dropkin
Article 3 min read

2024 Q3 Asia Investment Outlook: Policy shifts give investors reasons for optimism

Stimulus and reforms that are addressing cyclical and structural issues should invigorate Asia’s markets.

Martin Dropkin | 21 June 2024

Terrence Pang
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Picking up the Hong Kong premium

Hong Kong has quietly grown its bond market into a quality haven in Asia. A window has opened for investors who want a piece of the action.

Terrence Pang + 2 others | 18 June 2024

Amit Goel
Article 4 min read

Asia’s new bubble: Finding value in India’s IPO boom

Mumbai has overtaken Hong Kong as Asia's centre for IPOs. While India’s listing boom appears frothy, we still think there are smart investments to be made.

Amit Goel + 2 others | 11 June 2024

Martin Dropkin
Podcast 34 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Healthcare

Chinese healthcare is a vast universe, spanning everything from biotech to traditional medicine.

Martin Dropkin + 6 others | 10 June 2024

Peiqian Liu
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Why China is doing more to heal property pains

An in-depth look at the first-quarter GDP figures sheds light on why the much-needed policy support comes now.

Peiqian Liu + 1 other | 17 May 2024

Ian Samson
Article 5 min read

Banks stand to win big in India and Indonesia’s dash for growth

In the race for growth, the banking sectors in two emerging Asian economies are proving uncharacteristically exciting.

Ian Samson + 3 others | 17 May 2024

Taosha Wang
Article 3 min read

Embracing the ‘Korea discount’

South Korea’s bid to reform its stock market has been met with scepticism, but we see the initiative as a free call option in an already attractive market.

Taosha Wang + 2 others | 16 May 2024

Lynda Zhou
Article 4 min read

Asian stocks enter the dividend age

While Asia has long been chiefly a growth story for investors, can government reforms unlock the value of dividend stocks in the region?

Lynda Zhou + 2 others | 29 April 2024

Tae Ho Ryu
Article 3 min read

Asia high yield is not just China now

Worried by the risks of investing in Chinese bonds? The make-up of the Asian high yield debt market has changed.

Tae Ho Ryu + 3 others | 29 April 2024

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 31 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Shareholder return

The story of China's economy has long been one of rapid growth. But investors are turning their attention to something more long-lasting: shareholder returns.

Catherine Yeung + 7 others | 24 April 2024

Alex Dong
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: China’s sportswear sector on the right track

In China’s slowing economy, sportswear remains one of a small number of industries underpinned by solid domestic demand.

Alex Dong + 1 other | 4 April 2024

Lei Zhu
Article 3 min read

2024 Q2 Asia Investment Outlook: Steady as they grow

Major Asian economies are carefully steadying their ships as they sail into the second quarter, while domestic imbalances and geopolitical risks persist.

Lei Zhu + 1 other | 28 March 2024

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 34 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Cities and migration

Where people live within China - and why - is fundamental to understanding the country’s changing demographics.

Catherine Yeung + 7 others | 11 March 2024

Ruiheng Wang
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: What Japan’s ‘mother machines’ tell us about the world’s manufacturing pulse

The recent trend in Japan’s machine tool orders paints a positive picture for manufacturing in 2024. But investors should be wary of unchartered territory.

Ruiheng Wang + 1 other | 22 February 2024

Richard Edgar
Podcast 40 min listen

Rich Pickings podcast: Asia and Latin America are reshaping the world for investors

Richard Edgar is joined by Fidelity International experts to discuss how Asia and Latin America are reshaping the world for investors.

Richard Edgar + 5 others | 19 February 2024

Peiqian Liu
Article 3 min read

Lower targets, more stimulus for China

March’s National People’s Congress in China will almost certainly set a reduced growth target of 5 per cent.

Peiqian Liu + 2 others | 13 February 2024

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 30 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: China's bond market

Catherine Yeung and Marty Dropkin tackle a topic that often flies under the radar, but could in fact hold great potential for investors: China’s bond market.

Catherine Yeung + 7 others | 7 February 2024

Claire Xiao
Article 5 min read

How China keeps its debt in order

What is the fiscal firepower of the Chinese government? Depends on how much debt you think China really has. Our analysis is revealing.

Claire Xiao + 3 others | 25 January 2024

Monica Li
Article 6 min read

Changing of the guards in Chinese growth

Beneath the surface of a slower economy, a group of Chinese companies is starting to make inroads at home and abroad - with consequences for investors.

Monica Li + 1 other | 25 January 2024

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 25 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Transition materials

Exploring the critical role of transition materials — such as lithium and cobalt, essential to developing and deploying clean energy technologies.

Catherine Yeung + 7 others | 20 December 2023

Bunny Huang
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: China's solar non grata

Solar energy stocks in China rebounded as the country rekindled cooperation with the US on climate change. But we think investors’ optimism is misplaced.

Bunny Huang + 1 other | 24 November 2023

Lei Zhu
Article 5 min read

Asia outlook: Riding the growth momentum

China’s economic slowdown and the resilience of the US dollar have dimmed the lustre of Asian economies. But the growth story should continue in 2024.

Lei Zhu + 1 other | 17 November 2023

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 31 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: In conversation with Louis-Vincent Gave

In this special edition of The Investor’s Guide to China, Catherine Yeung, Investment Director, is joined in Hong Kong by Gavekal's Louis-Vincent Gave.

Catherine Yeung + 2 others | 25 October 2023

Peiqian Liu
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: China’s tourists tiptoe out again

Where tourists went and how they spent during China's first ‘Golden Week’ holiday since zero-Covid ended says a lot about their confidence and changing tastes.

Peiqian Liu + 2 others | 19 October 2023

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 42 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Japanification

When you look at some of the big economic issues China is dealing with today, you quickly realise Japan has been through a lot of the same challenges.

Catherine Yeung + 7 others | 11 October 2023

Tina Chang
Article 3 min read

Field Notes: This Chinese dairy company is taking a grass-roots approach to reclaiming deserts

Deep in northern China, a dairy producer discovers that reclaiming desert land helps it build a more robust and sustainable business.

Tina Chang + 2 others | 9 October 2023

Edward Tajima
Article 4 min read

Japan’s reflating economy is kindling new hopes

Following decades of price stagnation and declines, Japan’s push to bring back “good inflation” is finally bearing fruit. But how sustainable is it?

Edward Tajima + 3 others | 3 October 2023

Martin Dropkin
Article 3 min read

Asia Quarterly Outlook: Bright spots amid the haze

Asia is facing near-term challenges. We think now is the time to see through the current cycle and position for structural growth.

Martin Dropkin | 27 September 2023

Alex Dong
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: China’s heavy machine makers dig deeper overseas

China’s machinery firms are making new inroads abroad, seeking profitability that’s built to last as demand falls and competition intensifies at home.

Alex Dong | 20 September 2023

Paul Greer
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Building a bigger bloc of BRICS

With one country continuing to pull far more economic weight than everybody else, the significance of BRICS expansion will be more diplomatic than economic.

Paul Greer + 1 other | 13 September 2023

Ally Chin
Article 2 min read

Field Notes: Seeing the fabric of life in Bangladesh

We recently travelled to Bangladesh to see what the living and factory working conditions are like for the world’s No. 2 exporter of ready-made garments.

Ally Chin + 2 others | 4 September 2023

Vanessa Chan
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Watching for cracks amid pressure on China’s local government finances

Some of China’s local government financing vehicles are struggling to service their debts, but not all LGFVs are created equal.

Vanessa Chan + 2 others | 24 August 2023

Ark Huang
Article 3 min read

Fundamentals: Navigating China’s $10 trillion local government debt market

Fundamentals: Navigating China’s $10 trillion local government debt market

Ark Huang + 2 others | 20 July 2023

Hyomi Jie
Article 4 min read

Field Notes: How to weigh China’s barbell-shaped consumer recovery

Despite challenges facing China's economy, some of the country's consumer companies are gaining market share, in some cases by exploring new niche categories.

Hyomi Jie + 2 others | 19 July 2023

Victoria Mio
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Why ‘work from anywhere’ doesn’t work everywhere

Our ESG Analyst Survey indicates that WFH is viewed favourably by most companies around the world. But there is one very big exception to the WFH trend: China.

Victoria Mio + 1 other | 28 June 2023

Victoria Mio
Article 3 min read

Asia Quarterly Outlook: Ahead of the pack, but behind schedule

Asia remains the bright spot in a gloomy global economy but China’s slower-than-expected economic recovery calls for a more selective investing approach.

Victoria Mio | 23 June 2023

Frank Wan
Article 3 min read

Fundamentals: The AI frenzy comes to China

Fundamentals: The AI frenzy comes to China

Frank Wan + 2 others | 21 June 2023

Lei Zhu
Article 4 min read

Selling like hot chilli crab: a look at Singapore’s local bond boom

While debt issuance has slowed around the world, the Singapore dollar bond market is in a pocket of growth driven by policy tailwinds and an influx of funds.

Lei Zhu + 3 others | 19 June 2023

Peiqian Liu
Article 3 min read

BOJ: Patience is virtue

At its June meeting, the Bank of Japan has retained its dovish bias, and we believe markets will price in a lower possibility of an imminent exit from YCC.

Peiqian Liu + 1 other | 16 June 2023

Fiona Shou
Article 2 min read

Fundamentals: Why China’s tentative, two-speed housing market recovery is still on track

China’s residential property market rebound continues at a slow and steady pace, despite diverging performance between new and existing home sales.

Fiona Shou + 2 others | 8 June 2023

Miyuki Kashima
Article 5 min read

Why equity investors are rediscovering Japan

Global investors under-allocated to Japanese stocks risk missing out on big improvements in corporate earnings yields and capital returns.

Miyuki Kashima + 1 other | 24 May 2023

Peiqian Liu
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Retail therapy for Japan’s ‘lowflation’ headache

The Bank of Japan has struggled to convince the public that inflation will stick. But recent data shows there could be a shift in consumers’ mentality.

Peiqian Liu + 2 others | 18 May 2023

Taosha Wang
Article 3 min read

Proxy plays on China’s consumer rebound are all the rage in Paris

Luxury companies have been among the biggest beneficiaries of China’s bounce and are delivering investors exposure without putting money in Chinese companies.

Taosha Wang + 3 others | 28 April 2023

Peiqian Liu
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Getting China’s youth back to work

The job prospects are still gloomy for young people in China, and the picture may get worse before it gets better.

Peiqian Liu | 27 April 2023

Tomohiro Ikawa
Article 2 min read

Japan’s stock market reform gathers steam

The Tokyo Stock Exchange is taking steps in the right direction on some long overdue reforms, but more still needs to be done.

Tomohiro Ikawa + 1 other | 6 April 2023

George Efstathopoulos
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: Will the renminbi’s stable attraction woo Asian partners?

While the market traditionally focuses on the renminbi’s performance against the US dollar, we think its relationship with Asian peers deserves more attention.

George Efstathopoulos + 2 others | 3 April 2023

Andrew McCaffery
Article 3 min read

Asia Quarterly Outlook: Can the East wind prevail?

In Fidelity International's latest quarterly outlook for Asia, we believe the economic outlook in Asia is brightened by China’s reopening.

Andrew McCaffery | 29 March 2023

Eric Tse
Article 3 min read

Fundamentals: What’s next for China’s fully charged electric vehicle battery makers?

China's EV battery makers are facing overcapacity at home and increased competition abroad. But that could be a good thing - for green growth and consumers.

Eric Tse + 3 others | 29 March 2023

Sherry Zhang
Article 4 min read

China’s banks have seen this show before

China’s banks have seen this show before

Sherry Zhang + 1 other | 20 March 2023

Taosha Wang
Article 3 min read

Inflation’s bite won’t spoil China’s recovery

Spiralling prices were a headache for much of the world in 2022, and some are asking if it’s China’s turn.

Taosha Wang + 2 others | 13 March 2023

Peiqian Liu
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Why fixed-asset investment is on the move in China

Investment remains a major driver of China’s economy, but priorities are shifting from property to manufacturing.

Peiqian Liu + 1 other | 9 March 2023

Victoria Mio
Article 2 min read

China’s property market sparks to life with signs of recovery

Homebuyers are finally back in action in China. We see a rebound in sales activity in mega cities, although consumer confidence remains fickle.

Victoria Mio + 3 others | 9 March 2023

Andrew McCaffery
Article 3 min read

How to invest for China’s next phase

How to invest for China’s next phase

Andrew McCaffery | 1 March 2023

Lynda Zhou
Article 2 min read

How far can ‘revenge spending’ consumers carry China’s economic rebound?

Chinese consumers’ holiday shopping provided evidence of pent-up demand. With more policy support, consumers will set their sights on bigger ticket items.

Lynda Zhou + 1 other | 13 February 2023

Catherine Yeung

The Investor’s Guide to China podcast: China’s reopening and supply chains

The Investor’s Guide to China podcast: China’s reopening and supply chains

Catherine Yeung + 7 others | 12 February 2023

Reggie Pan
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: A hiring spree on the horizon in China

While much of the global economy appears at risk of recession, China is revving up a rebound that’s set to jumpstart the job market.

Reggie Pan + 2 others | 9 February 2023

Theresa Zhou
Article 2 min read

Fundamentals: China’s reopening and supply chains

China’s reopening and supply chains

Theresa Zhou + 1 other | 2 February 2023

Alex Dong
Article 5 min read

Cementing a greener future in China

We see huge environmental value in helping to set a top Chinese cement producer on a greener path.

Alex Dong + 2 others | 17 January 2023

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 32 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: China's Onshore Markets

China's economy and its markets have faced a number of headwinds in 2022. Slowing growth, geopolitical uncertainty, the impact of the country's Covid policy

Catherine Yeung + 8 others | 12 December 2022

Victoria Mio
Article 3 min read

The Vegas of the East at a crossroads

Macau’s tourism-dependent economy was hit hard by Covid-19. Now, the Chinese casino hub aims to turn a crisis into an opportunity to reinvent itself.

Victoria Mio + 3 others | 1 December 2022

Fidelity International
Article 2 min read

Fidelity International China Stewardship Report 2022

Gaining traction: Fidelity International China Stewardship Report 2022. A proprietary study of shareholder stewardship, voting and engagement trends in China.

Fidelity International | 23 November 2022

Martin Dropkin
Article 3 min read

Asia’s shifting growth model

Will Asian central banks continue to dance to the Fed’s tune?

Martin Dropkin + 2 others | 11 November 2022

Anne Richards
Video 11 min watch

Fidelity's CEO and CIO on how to navigate 2023

Watch Chief Executive Anne Richards and Chief Investment Officer Andrew McCaffery discuss how investors should be approaching the next 12 months

Anne Richards + 2 others | 11 November 2022

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 35 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: China's Next Phase

What's going to happen as we enter a new phase of the Chinese growth story under President Xi Jinping's leadership.

Catherine Yeung + 7 others | 8 November 2022

Dhananjay Phadnis
Article 3 min read

ESG ratings: Seeing the value in divergent views

ESG ratings: Seeing the value in divergent views

Dhananjay Phadnis | 9 October 2022

Ben Li
Article 7 min read

Re-globalisation in the age of Asia's supply chain crunch

Even the best-laid plans across the global manufacturing industry haven’t kept pace with a swiftly evolving siege of pressures on supply chains.

Ben Li + 5 others | 28 April 2022

Dale Nicholls
Blog 4 min read

What delisting Chinese ADRs from US exchanges does and doesn’t mean for investors

What delisting Chinese ADRs from US exchanges does and doesn’t mean for investors

Dale Nicholls + 2 others | 26 April 2022

Andrew McCaffery
Article 3 min read

Q2 Asia Investment Outlook: Region sees opportunity amid volatility

Fidelity International's investment outlook for the second quarter for Asia sees regional opportunity amid the global volatility

Andrew McCaffery | 10 April 2022

Andrew McCaffery
Podcast 17 min listen

CIO podcast: The Asia perspective

Fidelity International's Global CIO Andrew McCaffery discusses his recent trip to Asia and the latest market developments.

Andrew McCaffery + 2 others | 4 April 2022

Salman Ahmed
Blog 6 min read

Remapping China risks

Amid rising investor uncertainty over China-related risks, we assess what’s changed and what hasn’t in the outlook for China’s markets and macro policy.

Salman Ahmed + 3 others | 21 March 2022

Fidelity International
White Paper 1 min read

The smaller half of China's sky: Fidelity International China Gender Diversity Report

In Fidelity's first report on gender diversity in corporate China, we examine the status quo and offer suggestions on how firms and investors can do better.

Fidelity International | 23 February 2022

Yi Hu
Article 7 min read

Analyst Survey 2022: Region by region

Analyst Survey 2022: Region by region breakdown

Yi Hu + 1 other | 18 February 2022

Paras Anand
Podcast 43 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Demographics

China’s labour pool is shrinking as the population ages. How people save and invest signals challenges and opportunities for China’s pension system.

Paras Anand + 10 others | 23 November 2021

Martin Dropkin
Article 3 min read

Asia’s shifting growth model

Market leadership continues to evolve across Asia-Pacific, with potential inflation making some markets look more resilient than others.

Martin Dropkin + 3 others | 19 November 2021

Fidelity International
Article 3 min read

Asia’s shifting growth model

Market leadership continues to evolve across Asia-Pacific, with potential inflation making some markets look more resilient than others.

Fidelity International | 18 November 2021

Shing Zhu
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: The kitchen gets hotter for China’s gadget makers

Demographics are weighing on China’s kitchen appliance segment, but competition is heating up at the higher end of the market.

Shing Zhu + 2 others | 30 September 2021

Terrence Pang
Blog 3 min read

Time to look beyond Evergrande and China’s ‘too big to fail’ era

Property giant China Evergrande’s woes are better understood as a controlled explosion, rather than an unexpected disaster.

Terrence Pang + 3 others | 24 September 2021

Paras Anand
Article 2 min read

‘Lehman moment’ fears are wide of the mark in China Evergrande fallout

Property developer China Evergrande Group’s debt issues have rattled markets, but comparisons to a ‘Lehman Brothers moment’ look overstated and misdirected.

Paras Anand | 24 September 2021

Paras Anand
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: An inflection point for Chinese equities?

There may be pressure on valuations as international investors adopt a wait-and-see approach, but the long-term outlook continues to be positive.

Paras Anand | 9 September 2021

Eric Wong
Article 4 min read

Asia eyes a tantrum-free taper this time

A faster-than-expected tapering by the Federal Reserve remains a risk for Asian bond markets, but investors have been reassured by the latest policy signals.

Eric Wong + 3 others | 7 September 2021

Paras Anand
Article 4 min read

After the selloff, what next for China equities?

A spate of regulatory actions across several sectors in China rattled markets and sent shares tumbling, but some of this selling appears overdone.

Paras Anand + 2 others | 29 July 2021

Paras Anand
Article 2 min read

Asia could become a top destination for investors driving sustainable change

Asia has been among the top destinations for growth investors in recent decades. Now it could become one of the top markets for sustainable investors.

Paras Anand + 1 other | 29 July 2021

Morgan Lau
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: Stronger for longer for China’s renminbi?

Expectations for further renminbi appreciation have risen, but we think short-term gains could be capped from here.

Morgan Lau + 3 others | 10 June 2021

Martin Dropkin
Blog 4 min read

Credit risk at China’s SOEs in focus amid Huarong saga

China’s bond and equity markets have been rattled by concerns that state-owned enterprises could face greater default risk.

Martin Dropkin + 4 others | 4 June 2021

Terence Tsai
Video 7 min watch

On the ground with China's ZTO logistics fleet

Fidelity analysts and portfolio managers engage with China's leading logistics company on the ground in Shanghai.

Terence Tsai + 4 others | 27 May 2021

Terence Tsai
Article 5 min read

An express dialogue: ESG engagement in China

Fidelity International worked with China’s biggest express-delivery company on sustainable growth.

Terence Tsai + 1 other | 26 May 2021

Amit Goel
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: The rapid rise of digital payments in India

The technological transformation of India’s economy has accelerated in recent years, as can clearly be seen in the accelerating shift to digital transactions.

Amit Goel + 3 others | 6 May 2021

George Efstathopoulos
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: China has fewer reasons to be hawkish

China's short-end rates remain low despite earlier expectations for monetary tightening.

George Efstathopoulos + 3 others | 22 April 2021

Nathan Sribalasundaram
Article 5 min read

Why India’s ‘fallen angel’ risk is rising

India’s ballooning debt levels amid a structural growth slowdown have raised the risks of an imminent downgrade by credit ratings agencies.

Nathan Sribalasundaram + 2 others | 19 April 2021

Paras Anand
Article 4 min read

Flows vs friction

Growth opportunities in post-pandemic Asia are set to propel a long-term boom in equity capital markets, as the region draws in ever greater inflows.

Paras Anand | 17 March 2021

Tomohiro Ikawa
Blog 4 min read

Japanese companies are more sustainable than many believe

ESG is growing in importance for Japanese firms.

Tomohiro Ikawa | 16 March 2021

Yi Hu
Article 3 min read

China sentiment points to sustained lead in global recovery

Management confidence at Chinese companies is notably higher about the year ahead, as China stages a “first in, first out” recovery from the Covid-19 crisis.

Yi Hu | 1 March 2021

Bob Chen
Article 2 min read

Deep dive on Japan: exporters bolstered by China recovery

Earnings and margins set to grow among Japanese exporters, especially those with large exposure to China.

Bob Chen | 1 March 2021

Victoria Mio
Blog 3 min read

What’s ahead for China’s markets in the Year of the Ox

Investors keen to see whether China’s bull market can keep charging ahead in the lunar Year of the Ox will be focused on recovery and monetary policy.

Victoria Mio + 3 others | 7 February 2021

George Efstathopoulos
Blog 1 min read

Chart Room: Chinese stocks, playing catchup, finally retrace 2015 highs

But the rally in China’s main onshore index still lags its US and global counterparts.

George Efstathopoulos + 2 others | 7 January 2021

Daisy Ho
Blog 3 min read

New survey finds silver linings to China’s pension challenges

As China faces the formidable task of building a private pension industry from scratch, it can count on the blessing of residents’ financial wellness.

Daisy Ho | 22 December 2020

George Efstathopoulos
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: China government bond yields catch their breath

Chart Room: China government bond yields catch their breath

George Efstathopoulos + 1 other | 17 December 2020

Amit Goel
Article 4 min read

Unlocking India’s structural opportunities: 10 charts

Reforms and new infrastructure paving the way for manufacturing investment and employment will be key to unlocking India’s next stage of development.

Amit Goel + 2 others | 9 December 2020

Richard Edgar
Podcast 32 min listen

China stewardship podcast: Witness an evolution

Hear what exclusive research on shareholder action in China says about the changing face of Chinese companies and their investors.

Richard Edgar + 4 others | 7 December 2020

Fidelity International
Article 1 min read

Building solid foundations: Fidelity International China Stewardship Report 2020

Fidelity International's inaugural China Stewardship Report shows steady progress in investment stewardship and implementing ESG at domestic A-share companies.

Fidelity International | 30 November 2020

Paras Anand
Podcast 46 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Belt and Road

What China's flagship economic initiative can tell investors about the country and where it goes next.

Paras Anand + 5 others | 30 November 2020

Paras Anand
Article 5 min read

Asia Outlook 2021: Asian economies demonstrate resilience

Asian economies have proved more resilient than Western counterparts due to their better handling of the outbreak and mixed capitalism models.

Paras Anand | 27 November 2020

Ian Samson
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Asia’s export engine supercharged by new trade deal

Chart Room: Asia’s export engine supercharged by new trade deal

Ian Samson + 2 others | 19 November 2020

Ming Gong
Blog 4 min read

China property: Built for the long run

Facing challenges in their core business of building and selling new homes, Chinese real estate developers have found an alternative source of revenue.

Ming Gong + 1 other | 24 August 2020

Eric Wong
Article 5 min read

Central banks in emerging markets hop on the bond-buying bandwagon

EM central bankers are taking a page from the developed-market playbook and purchasing local bonds as a way to cushion the blow

Eric Wong + 4 others | 29 May 2020

Eric Wong
Blog 2 min read

Strong underpinnings to Asia’s investment grade bond market

Asia’s investment grade bond market looks attractive as we continue working through the Covid-19 outbreak, and global coordinated stimulus take effect.

Eric Wong + 2 others | 3 April 2020

Fidelity International
Video 45 min watch

Fidelity International on Asset TV - Asia Fixed Income

Luc Froehlich, Global Head of Investment Directing Fixed Income, features on this Asia Fixed Income Masterclass panel.

Fidelity International | 16 December 2019

Fidelity International
Video 46 min watch

Fidelity International on Asset TV - Asia Outlook

Dhananjay Phadnis, Portfolio Manager, Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, features on Asia Outlook Masterclass panel.

Fidelity International | 16 December 2019

Marion O'Donnell
Article 2 min read

Teaming up in Asia to target coal financing

Teaming up with other asset managers in Asia has helped change the behaviour of banks financing coal projects

Marion O'Donnell + 1 other | 3 June 2019

George Efstathopoulos
Article 1 min read

Don’t miss the Asia high-yield opportunity

Investor optimism in China is improving, and Asia's high yield market is looking more attractive than the equity market.

George Efstathopoulos | 13 February 2019

Medha Samant
Blog 2 min read

Falling Markets - the view from Asia

Negative investor sentiment and high volatility are setting the tone but can also provide opportunities to find value in Asia equity and fixed income markets.

Medha Samant + 1 other | 25 October 2018

Gary Monaghan
Article 10 min read

For and against China as a standalone allocation

Given its under-representation in traditional indices for both equity and fixed income - should investors focus on China separately?

Gary Monaghan + 3 others | 9 July 2018

Vincent Li
Article 3 min read

China’s rising outbound flows will move global markets

Investment inflows to China's equity markets are only half of the story. Increasingly, outbound investment from mainland China will move global markets.

Vincent Li + 1 other | 9 July 2018

Raji Menon
Infographic 1 min read

The spectacular rise of Asia in 12 charts

Charting the shifting balance of economic power from the West to the East.

Raji Menon + 1 other | 6 July 2018

Ayesha Akbar
Article 7 min read

Why allocating to Japan calls for an active approach

Allocating to Japan requires weighing opportunities against risks. We're positive on Japan's outlook, but will watch issues such as currency fluctuations.

Ayesha Akbar + 2 others | 6 July 2018

Neil Gough
Video 6 min watch

What MSCI inclusion means for China's biggest soy sauce manufacturer

Companies like Haitian will be opened up to a broader, deeper and more international shareholder base.

Neil Gough + 1 other | 6 July 2018

Richard Edgar
Podcast 27 min listen

Podcast: Why should I reconsider my allocation to Asia?

Could you be overlooking investment opportunities in Asia? Fidelity's experts discuss the best way to gain exposure to the region.

Richard Edgar + 2 others | 6 July 2018

Ayesha Akbar
Article 10 min read

Rethinking Asia allocations: The investment world's distorted view

Many global investors outside Asia are playing catch up with the region's structural potential even if risks and market valuations cannot be ignored.

Ayesha Akbar + 2 others | 6 July 2018

Gary Monaghan
Article 3 min read

MSCI A-share inclusion is a milestone for China’s onshore capital markets

It’s a game-changer for both the mainland and investors, even though, on the face of it, it’s not yet a particularly high-stakes game.

Gary Monaghan + 1 other | 6 July 2018

Riccardo Muscio
Article 8 min read

There’s more to Asia than growth

Asia's traditional exposure to growth is attractive, but the region can offer investors many more solutions with its full menu of distinct investment factors.

Riccardo Muscio + 2 others | 6 July 2018

Luc Froehlich
Article 5 min read

Why some investors are shifting allocation from EMD to Asia fixed income

Some fixed income investors are increasing their allocations to Asian debt in search of an improved risk–return profile.

Luc Froehlich + 1 other | 6 July 2018

Medha Samant
Article 3 min read

Only looking at indices in Asia? You'll miss out on innovators and disruptors

New, innovative companies are beginning to disrupt the old order, reshaping multiple industries and transforming the region.

Medha Samant + 1 other | 5 July 2018

Edward Simmonds
Article 10 min read

Implicit exposure: the risks you didn’t know you were taking

Implicit exposures - or unintended risks - are attached to every investment decision.

Edward Simmonds + 5 others | 2 February 2018

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