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Martin Dropkin
Podcast 26 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: The renminbi effect

In this episode, we turn our attention to something that affects almost every investor in China: a weakening renminbi.

Martin Dropkin + 5 others | 18 July 2024

Jeremy Osborne
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: Japan Inc’s buyback spree

Share repurchases announced by Japanese companies are poised to hit a record high this year. More companies have also boosted dividend pay-outs.

Jeremy Osborne + 1 other | 11 July 2024

Martin Dropkin
Podcast 34 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Healthcare

Chinese healthcare is a vast universe, spanning everything from biotech to traditional medicine.

Martin Dropkin + 6 others | 10 June 2024

Penn Bowers
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Japan’s stock train leaves behind train stocks

Business is back on the rails for Japanese train companies, but their stock prices remain largely stuck in the Covid era.

Penn Bowers + 1 other | 31 May 2024

Belinda Liao
Article 4 min read

Axing the ‘ex-Japan’: A new era for Japanese bonds

Tailwinds stretching from index reform to rate hikes are lifting Japan's bond market from the doldrums

Belinda Liao + 3 others | 29 April 2024

Lynda Zhou
Article 4 min read

Asian stocks enter the dividend age

While Asia has long been chiefly a growth story for investors, can government reforms unlock the value of dividend stocks in the region?

Lynda Zhou + 2 others | 29 April 2024

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 31 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Shareholder return

The story of China's economy has long been one of rapid growth. But investors are turning their attention to something more long-lasting: shareholder returns.

Catherine Yeung + 7 others | 24 April 2024

Lynda Zhou
Article 4 min read

Asian stocks enter the dividend age

China, Japan, and South Korea have expanded efforts to push companies for higher dividends. Can government reforms unlock the value of dividend stocks in Asia?

Lynda Zhou + 2 others | 3 April 2024

Peiqian Liu
Article 2 min read

BOJ: Time to turn positive

The Bank of Japan took an historic step in its March meeting, ending the era of negative interest rates. But the tone of the central bank was cautious overall.

Peiqian Liu | 19 March 2024

Ruiheng Wang
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: What Japan’s ‘mother machines’ tell us about the world’s manufacturing pulse

The recent trend in Japan’s machine tool orders paints a positive picture for manufacturing in 2024. But investors should be wary of unchartered territory.

Ruiheng Wang + 1 other | 22 February 2024

Richard Edgar
Podcast 38 min listen

Rich Pickings: Analyst Survey 2024 - ready for a reset

Richard Edgar is joined by a panel of Fidelity International experts to discuss the results of the 2024 Analyst Survey.

Richard Edgar + 4 others | 26 January 2024

Miyuki Kashima
Article 4 min read

Optimism balloons from Japan’s reflating economy

Japan leads the world on bullish sentiment in this year’s Analyst Survey as its economy enters a reflating stage unique among developed nations.

Miyuki Kashima + 1 other | 26 January 2024

Tomohiro Ikawa
Article 3 min read

Why net zero could be the unlikely answer to Japan’s cross-shareholdings woe

Japan’s push to enhance emissions disclosures has become ensnared in its efforts to reduce cross-shareholdings and may accelerate their unwinding.

Tomohiro Ikawa + 1 other | 10 January 2024

Toby Sims
Article 4 min read

The ups and downs: Charting 2023

Six charts that capture the economic make-up of 2023 - inflation, interest rates, and everything in between.

Toby Sims | 19 December 2023

Lei Zhu
Article 4 min read

Axing the ‘ex-Japan’: a new era for Japanese bonds

Tailwinds from index reform to rate-hike expectations are lifting Japan's bond market from the doldrums, breathing new life into what was a dull backwater.

Lei Zhu + 3 others | 5 December 2023

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 42 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Japanification

When you look at some of the big economic issues China is dealing with today, you quickly realise Japan has been through a lot of the same challenges.

Catherine Yeung + 7 others | 11 October 2023

Edward Tajima
Article 4 min read

Japan’s reflating economy is kindling new hopes

Following decades of price stagnation and declines, Japan’s push to bring back “good inflation” is finally bearing fruit. But how sustainable is it?

Edward Tajima + 3 others | 3 October 2023

Martin Dropkin
Article 3 min read

Asia Quarterly Outlook: Bright spots amid the haze

Asia is facing near-term challenges. We think now is the time to see through the current cycle and position for structural growth.

Martin Dropkin | 27 September 2023

Victoria Mio
Article 3 min read

Asia Quarterly Outlook: Ahead of the pack, but behind schedule

Asia remains the bright spot in a gloomy global economy but China’s slower-than-expected economic recovery calls for a more selective investing approach.

Victoria Mio | 23 June 2023

Peiqian Liu
Article 3 min read

BOJ: Patience is virtue

At its June meeting, the Bank of Japan has retained its dovish bias, and we believe markets will price in a lower possibility of an imminent exit from YCC.

Peiqian Liu + 1 other | 16 June 2023

Tomohiro Ikawa
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: Easing Japan’s ‘June jam’ of shareholder meetings

The pile-up of annual general meetings at the end of June in Japan can be a pain for investors, but jams have been easing somewhat in a positive sign.

Tomohiro Ikawa + 1 other | 8 June 2023

Miyuki Kashima
Article 5 min read

Why equity investors are rediscovering Japan

Global investors under-allocated to Japanese stocks risk missing out on big improvements in corporate earnings yields and capital returns.

Miyuki Kashima + 1 other | 24 May 2023

Peiqian Liu
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Retail therapy for Japan’s ‘lowflation’ headache

The Bank of Japan has struggled to convince the public that inflation will stick. But recent data shows there could be a shift in consumers’ mentality.

Peiqian Liu + 2 others | 18 May 2023

Tomohiro Ikawa
Article 2 min read

Japan’s stock market reform gathers steam

The Tokyo Stock Exchange is taking steps in the right direction on some long overdue reforms, but more still needs to be done.

Tomohiro Ikawa + 1 other | 6 April 2023

Andrew McCaffery
Article 3 min read

Asia Quarterly Outlook: Can the East wind prevail?

In Fidelity International's latest quarterly outlook for Asia, we believe the economic outlook in Asia is brightened by China’s reopening.

Andrew McCaffery | 29 March 2023

Ian Samson
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: Rewriting the yen narrative

We think recent tweaks to the Bank of Japan's yield curve control policy could reset the narrative and pave the way for yen appreciation.

Ian Samson | 20 January 2023

Martin Dropkin
Article 3 min read

Asia’s shifting growth model

Will Asian central banks continue to dance to the Fed’s tune?

Martin Dropkin + 2 others | 11 November 2022

Charlotte Harington
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: Pressure mounts on yen as US yields soar

Japan's commitment to YCC puts it in a difficult position amid rising inflation. Were the BoJ to abandon YCC, the knock-on effects could be severe.

Charlotte Harington | 27 October 2022

Andrew McCaffery
Article 2 min read

Q4 Asia Investment Outlook: Potential bright spot amid a challenging winter

Asia is insulated to a degree from the struggles facing Europe, and though it faces its own problems, we are turning more positive on the region.

Andrew McCaffery | 11 October 2022

Tomohiro Ikawa
Blog 3 min read

Waiting for the sequel: Japan’s stock exchange reforms

A highly anticipated round of reform at the Tokyo exchange has left many questions unanswered, but rising ESG awareness shines a light on the way forward.

Tomohiro Ikawa + 1 other | 14 August 2022

Andrew McCaffery
Article 3 min read

Q3 Asia Investment Outlook: China recovery likely as restrictions ease

Asia stands in a relatively strong position amid a global reset in markets.

Andrew McCaffery | 13 July 2022

George Efstathopoulos
Blog 1 min read

Chart room: Japan is avoiding the worst of supply-side inflation

Chart room: Japan is avoiding the worst of supply-side inflation

George Efstathopoulos | 23 June 2022

George Efstathopoulos
Blog 2 min read

The last of the doves: BoJ unlikely to change course anytime soon

The last of the doves: BoJ unlikely to change course anytime soon

George Efstathopoulos | 19 May 2022

Miyuki Kashima
Article 3 min read

Now and zen: Japan’s quiet rise

Inflation may be a scourge elsewhere, but Japan is unruffled. Instead, the world’s third-largest economy is showcasing its appeal to investors.

Miyuki Kashima + 1 other | 15 May 2022

Chuin Wei Yap
Article 3 min read

Analyst Survey 2022: Japan outlook is still positive but cycle is maturing

Managements at Japanese firms are largely positive but the country may be further on in the cycle than elsewhere.

Chuin Wei Yap | 18 February 2022

Yi Hu
Article 7 min read

Analyst Survey 2022: Region by region

Analyst Survey 2022: Region by region breakdown

Yi Hu + 1 other | 18 February 2022

Fidelity International Global Macro & Asset Allocation Team
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: Fingers in the punch bowl

Central bankers seeking to deploy rate hikes against inflation risk collateral damage as tighter policy threatens already swollen debt servicing costs.

Tomohiro Ikawa
Article 4 min read

ESGenius: Boosting board independence in Japan

Regulatory reforms have created new opportunities for active shareholders to engage with Japanese companies on key governance issues like board independence.

Tomohiro Ikawa + 1 other | 16 December 2021

Paras Anand
Article 5 min read

A podium moment for Japan’s markets, too?

Japan stocks have long been consigned to tactical trading by global investors, but positive catalysts are emerging in a post-Covid inflationary world.

Paras Anand | 29 August 2021

Tomohiro Ikawa
Blog 4 min read

Japanese companies are more sustainable than many believe

ESG is growing in importance for Japanese firms.

Tomohiro Ikawa | 16 March 2021

Bob Chen
Article 2 min read

Deep dive on Japan: exporters bolstered by China recovery

Earnings and margins set to grow among Japanese exporters, especially those with large exposure to China.

Bob Chen | 1 March 2021

Ian Samson
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Asia’s export engine supercharged by new trade deal

Chart Room: Asia’s export engine supercharged by new trade deal

Ian Samson + 2 others | 19 November 2020

Takashi Maruyama
Article 3 min read

Japan: Suganomics > Abenomics?

Japan: Suganomics > Abenomics?

Takashi Maruyama | 25 September 2020

Katsumi Ishibashi
Article 4 min read

A to-do list for Japan’s next prime minister

Ensuring fiscal and monetary policy continuity while overseeing Japan's response to the Covid-19 crisis will be top priorities for Shinzo Abe's successor.

Katsumi Ishibashi | 3 September 2020

Hiroki Sampei
Article 2 min read

Successful shareholder engagement is a long journey

A case study of Fidelity International's multi-year engagement with Kirin in Japan shows that successful shareholder engagement is a long journey

Hiroki Sampei | 18 June 2020

Nicholas Price
Article 2 min read

Japanification in 12 charts

Many western economies are mirroring Japan’s experience over the past 30 years.These 12 charts show how some of the key trends are playing out.

Nicholas Price + 3 others | 9 June 2020

Rick Patel
Blog 3 min read

Is the US turning Japanese?

A higher post-coronavirus savings rate in the US risks pushing the country into a low growth spiral similar to that which first ensnared Japan 30 years ago.

Rick Patel | 27 May 2020

Katsumi Ishibashi
Article 4 min read

The BOJ expands purchases and eases further

The BOJ expands purchases and eases further

Katsumi Ishibashi | 27 April 2020

Katsumi Ishibashi
Blog 4 min read

Bank of Japan’s coordinated easing signals more proactive asset purchases

Today’s move by the Bank of Japan to boost asset purchases underscores a globally coordinated effort by central banks to contain the coronavirus fallout.

Katsumi Ishibashi | 16 March 2020

Casey McLean
Blog 5 min read

Impact scenarios for Asia’s own trade standoff: Japan and South Korea

An ongoing dispute between Japan and South Korea could have wider ripples across the global supply chain.

Casey McLean + 2 others | 24 October 2019

Katsumi Ishibashi
Article 5 min read

Japan’s experience offers lessons for China’s financial sector reform

Japan offers China a lesson: postponing action on bad loans for years risks both the domestic economy and the country’s credibility with global investors.

Katsumi Ishibashi + 1 other | 16 September 2019

Katsumi Ishibashi
Blog 3 min read

BOJ holds steady, with limited scope for any policy moves

BOJ holds steady, with limited scope for any policy moves

Katsumi Ishibashi + 1 other | 20 December 2018

Nicholas Price
Blog 2 min read

Japan’s companies are evolving against a solid economic backdrop

Japan is changing, meaning better profits and returns for companies. Combined with attractive valuations, this can mean sustainable investor returns.

Nicholas Price | 3 October 2018

Hiroki Sampei
Blog 2 min read

ESG awareness is an enduring legacy of the global financial crisis

The global financial crisis pushed ESG principles to the forefront, which would not have occurred as rapidly without the catalyst of the crisis.

Hiroki Sampei | 12 September 2018

Katsumi Ishibashi
Blog 3 min read

No exit: Japanese banks continue to feel pain from BOJ’s easy policy

Japan’s banks need to innovate to thrive in the low interest environment rather than wait for the eventual end of the Bank of Japan’s easy monetary policies.

Katsumi Ishibashi | 29 August 2018

Katsumi Ishibashi
Blog 2 min read

The Bank of Japan fine-tunes monetary policy but sticks to aggressive easing

The Bank of Japan kept its easy monetary policy while tweaking its framework to give itself more flexibility, emphasising that normalisation is nowhere near.

Katsumi Ishibashi | 31 July 2018

Satoshi Nojiri
Blog 3 min read

Japan’s millennials are turning more positive on investing

Younger Japanese people are turning more positive toward investing and are doing more of it, Fidelity’s latest annual survey of Japanese workers showed.

Satoshi Nojiri | 18 July 2018

Ayesha Akbar
Article 7 min read

Why allocating to Japan calls for an active approach

Allocating to Japan requires weighing opportunities against risks. We're positive on Japan's outlook, but will watch issues such as currency fluctuations.

Ayesha Akbar + 2 others | 6 July 2018

Richard Edgar
Podcast 27 min listen

Podcast: Why should I reconsider my allocation to Asia?

Could you be overlooking investment opportunities in Asia? Fidelity's experts discuss the best way to gain exposure to the region.

Richard Edgar + 2 others | 6 July 2018

Hiroki Sampei
Article 5 min read

ESG leadership: Japan steps forward as the US steps back

When it comes to policy leadership in the arena of environmental, social and governance factors, Japan is stepping up even as the US is stepping back.

Hiroki Sampei + 1 other | 5 April 2018

Grethe Schepers
Article 10 min read

Region by region: Fidelity Analyst Survey 2018

Including views from analysts covering companies in the US, Europe, Asia, China and Japan - jump straight to your region.

Grethe Schepers + 3 others | 20 February 2018

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