Why should I reconsider my allocation to Asia?
9 July 2018
Why doesn’t Asia get a prominence in portfolios to match its financial might? Asia powers more than a third of the world’s economy but makes up only a fifth of world stock and bond indices. From the stock-picker’s undiscovered discovered gems in China to the diversification offered by an established economy like Japan, our team of experts offers readers their insight. Why should you reconsider Asia? Here, Fidelity Answers.
Why doesn’t Asia get a prominence in portfolios to match its financial might? Asia powers more than a third of the world’s economy but makes up only a fifth of world stock and bond indices. From the stock-picker’s undiscovered discovered gems in China to the diversification offered by an established economy like Japan, our team of experts offers readers their insight. Why should you reconsider Asia? Here, Fidelity Answers.